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Consolation for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (COVUC) is a local community based and non-profit organization established in 2002 with its offices in Utalii House Nairobi County, Kenya.

Our Mission

To nurture hope and drive sustainable transformation by inspiring the spiritual, emotional, physical, economic and social well-being of the vulnerable individual, families and communities.

Our Vision

To be an Ideal model for holistic community transformation

Our Moto

Dignity for All

Our Goal

To grow deep and reach wider through collaborating with partners to transform individual, families and communities from dependence to independence through primacy of great relationship

Core Values

Integrity, Professionalism, Equality, Teamwork, stewardship, Sustainability

Our Objectives

a. To empower community members to be good consumers of information and

b. To promote advocacy and sensitization forums on environmental conservation and mitigation measures

c. To empower community members to be good consumers of information and

d. To organize community outreaches activities to promote community welfare.

Our Causes

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!


We work closely with local communities to identify their health needs and provide them with the necessary resources and training to address those needs. We also prioritize the promotion of health education and awareness. We believe that health education is key to preventing illnesses and promoting healthy lifestyles. We have developed several health education programs targeting different groups of people in the county, including school children, women, and men and the senior citizens. Such programs are; Water and Sanitation, , nutrition, sexual and reproductive health drug and substance abuse, mental health, Non Communicable Diseases and Maternal Health and Child care..


We recognize its fundamental importance in promoting human development and improving the quality of life. We work towards improving access to quality education, increasing enrolment rates, and promoting education as a means of empowering individuals and communities in Tigania Sub-County. We also support child enrolment in schools and re-entry of teenage mothers to school.

We support feeding programs in schools and working to ensure children have a conducive learning environment.

We target to ensure that both boys and girls in the communities enrol to education systems and all their needs met. This is to increase literacy skills among adult learners and provide equal education opportunities for both boys and girls during their coming stages of life.

Democracy and Governance.

In any society, holding citizens responsible for their actions, in public service and the private sector, is significant to ensure some level of accountability. Consolation for Orphans and Vulnerable Children always engages in sensitizing the community to exercise their universal suffrage by actively take part in political processes without fear or favour and not to shun away from politics by stereotyping it as a dirty game because it is through participation that they are able to elect good and visionary leaders in to power.

The community is also sensitized on County budget and the reasons for devolving funds since they help in creating development of people welfare.

Environment & Climate justice.

Consolation for Orphans and Vulnerable Children and its partners have sensitized duty bearers to facilitate implementation of all provisions aimed at securing women’s control and ownership of communal land. Mobilization and sensitization of women to have them registered and fully participate and engage in all consultations related to community land is critical. The organization made deliberate efforts to ensure that women participate and voice out their concerns. It has further conducted civic education on existing legal and policy frameworks to ensure that the communities are aware of policy, legislative and institutional frameworks to protect women’s rights to land. The project targets women leaders, traditional institutions, religious leaders, Group ranches, County government land officials and the community land registrar(s), legislative, National Lands board & leaders and key actors on land matters..

Gender development and Advocacy.

The magnitude of gender-based violence among the community in Tigania Sub-County is disturbing and on the rise. Women are often the main victims of violence because of the patriarchal system of their culture. Cultural taboos prevent women from owning land, denying them freedom of mobility and the opportunity to cultivate land for food or business. Abuse, physical, verbal and emotional, is generally accepted within the community. In this regard, Consolation for Orphans and Vulnerable Children works in empowering the community on gender equality and equity as well as embracing SDG (Sustainable Development Goals).

We Conduct empowerment training on gender rights, human rights, and children’s rights in schools and churches to ensure equal representation involvement of persons with special needs women, youth at all levels of the community. Consolation for Orphans and Vulnerable Children sensitizes the community on eliminating GBV.

Economic Empowerment.

We Conduct empowerment training on gender rights, human rights, and children’s rights in schools and churches to ensure equal representation involvement of persons with special needs women, youth at all levels of the community. Consolation for Orphans and Vulnerable Children sensitizes the community on eliminating GBV.

We believe that social entrepreneurship has the potential to create sustainable and inclusive economic growth. Social enterprises create jobs and generate income while addressing social and environmental challenges. They also empower individuals and communities to take ownership of their own development and contribute to the well-being of their communities.

We believe that social entrepreneurship has the potential to create sustainable and inclusive economic growth. Social enterprises create jobs and generate income while addressing social and environmental challenges.


Our goal is to grow deep and reach wider through collaborating with partners to transform individual, families and communities from dependence to independence through primacy of great relationship

Our Objectives

To empower community members to be good consumers of information and services

To promote advocacy and sensitization forums on environmental conservation and mitigation measures

To organize community outreaches activities to promote community welfare

COVUC Location

  • +(254) 727869210
  • Utalii House Nairobi County, Kenya.